Monday, March 5, 2007

It's the little things

Well, my company is remodeling our office. Another office relocated so we are getting their "more stylish" furniture -- not necessarily more functional, but definitely more stylish. They are putting in new carpet and painting all the walls. Yellow, green, purple and orange. You would have to see it to believe it but it is really going to look nice. A lot better than the off-white that we have been used to!

Since they were getting new furniture they had a lottery and let us employees take some of the old furniture. So, with about fifty bucks in gas, two vans, and two strapping young men from our youth group, I got about 1.5K+ worth of nice office furniture. One desk for my home office and the rest for the pastor's office at church. Our God can sure find unique ways to provide!

During the remodel the the kitchen has been off-limits for about a week. This is hard on me because I normally brown-bag left-overs from the night before and heat them up in the microwave. It is one of those built in models that can't be moved. The first day of last week I did not take a lunch and just planned to buy my lunch (insert gasp here). I had a meeting with the other IT guys at about 11:30. Another lady walked in to get the lunch order for the group that was meeting over lunch-time. I was not in the lunch meeting but since I was sitting there she offered to pick up my lunch also. Isn't God just Awsome!!! I packed a sandwitch the rest of the week so I would not have to use the microwave or the debit card.

It is the little things like this that really speak God's love to me. You know the saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach?" I think God knows this is absolutely true with me. :-)


piano boy said...

Sandwitch? Sandwich:)

Billy said...

I think those who are playing hooky from school should not be correcting spelling ;-)

Dale said...

LOL Nice...very nice....

We I.T. guys do like our lunches!

Alicia said...
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Alicia said...

It's cool that you got all that furniture! What kind of job do you have just curious?